Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Blessing Imitation

Pulling up  to a house
Knowing I'll have a loving friend
To greet me at the door
Turn the keys on my car
The engine dies
I hear the excited barking
I get closer to the door
Whimpering is coming from underneath
As I crack open the door
A big black ball of fur pushes it open
Happy to greet me
A small horse of a dog almost tackles me
He sits beside me not wanting me to leave
As if I'm going to leave again for good
After he comes out to see me
Two more smaller creatures file out
A smaller dog and a cat
The cat is just about as big as the small dog
The bigger dog has long black hair
He has the mentality of a child
Loves Everyone but is especially loyal to his owner
He is a kind dog
Loving every day of his life
If only he was mine and not my brothers

Thursday, November 14, 2013

can poetry matter

Poetry does matter because it is a form that may have been lost over the years but so many people are affected through the words spoken in poems. The nice thing about poetry is that some you can see clearly but then other times you have to interpret your own meaning to understand what you think the poet is writing about. Our lives would be boring if it didn’t have poetry in it, especially for the kind of people who are very romantic, because a lot of poems use words to describe things in such a short amount of time and you get this beautiful situation that someone is trying to portray and it actually gives you hope that there are people out there who are romantic and not just cold. People in this generation don’t want to be romantic or nice anymore and poetry helps out with this in a sense that even the most unromantic person can read a certain poem and it will remind them of something they loved or even lost at one point. These reasons are why poetry would matter I can’t imagine a word where there is no poetry it would be dull and boring. These abstract things called poems where people sit and right lines that you’d never think would go together but they were written just right for you to make sense of it, which is weird to me because just depending on who you are is how you interpret the poem. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog 15

He Chuckled and said sure
U    /    U   /    U    U     /
Awesome thanks man
U     /            U     /
Alright man, math?
U           /       /
U      /
   U      /
What concert
  U      U   /
Shoot I can't I'm watching my nephew and his friend
   /      /   U     U     /    U    U    /    U    U    U    /
Bring em
 /        U
Ha I can't
U    /    U
Hey bro still at the concert
/        /      U U /      U  /
Nope, come on over
/            /       U   /

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


As the weather is turning
My mind starts to think
My brain feels like it's burning
My throat is in a kink

She is running through my head
Even though she is gone
I feel like I should be dead
Each day I'm more drawn

We are miles apart
The distance that kills
She's close to my heart
With so many thrills

Only time will show
I'll bring her laughter
As these feelings grow
It's her that I'm after

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Simple Things

It's hard to believe
something as simple as that
can brighten my day
coming into the room
lying there on the bed
red bull and gum
can someone actually care
this is a confusing feeling
someone was thinking of me
this is all new
put together with a note
this is what it said
can't wait to see you
a smiley face came after
I knew at that point
that I was a goner for sure
theirs no one else like this
and it's her that I'm after

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


A & P and Orientation are two short stories that have a lot of similarities and a lot of differences. I will be comparing both to understand the characters a little better and also to have a little better grasp on the stories themselves.
A & P is a little different in a few ways the fact that it’s all in a first person point of view for one thing. Also the manager in this is a lot stricter it seems like just by the fact that he kicks out these younger girls from his store just because of the way they are dressed which is a bit ridiculous. The writing style is different in this story. It’s told through the perspective of a person who is working there and there isn’t much dialogue between characters as much as just the thought process of the main character. This is similar because in this the entire time this clerk is judging these three girls walking through this store.
Orientation has an odd feel to the entire story as if the insight that the narrator is giving just makes you feel awkward. The narrator doesn’t give you much useful information on the job which is the same as A & P. You don’t get a great sense of the manager in this office but it seems like he doesn’t want to be bothered and doesn’t really care what his employees do to a point. The writing style in this is more commanding then anything the entire time the narrator is just telling information then you need to know a lot completely irrelevant to the job itself.

Both stories were good in their own sense I hope this brought up some points were these stories differ. To understand them even more I suggest reading them and comparing them.  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

"A & P"

“A & P” was written in a man’s prospective, the female role in this short story was little to almost none at all. The most reaction you have with the females that it was describing was when two of them had small lines at the end of the story. This story just picked apart at these three female character physical and social status which had to be assumed just by looking at them. In all honesty this story just capitalizes on what men do still to this day and this was written almost 50 years ago so it’s a little sad this mentality hasn't changed. From the instant the women walked in the cashier couldn't function while he was doing his job he just watched them and was day dreaming about them and what their lives were like. At the end the cashier who watched these females all through the store helps them at the register which he was like any other guy or at least how I pictured it. His manager then wakes over there and rudely embarrasses them by bringing attention to the fact that they were in bathing suits which was rude on his part. The cashier was trying to stick up for these females who were just embarrassed but he did it not to necessarily stick up for them but to make himself look like the hero in their eyes but his plan backfired because they already left so he had to go through with it anyways. So he did try to redeem himself from horribly judging them but still for the wrong reasons. This entire story was straight from a man’s head and still today this is what goes on which is not okay.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mrs. Mallord comments

Mrs. Mallord: Awesome it's a nice spring day out!!!

Mrs. Mallord: I really wish I could go outside but there is just to much to do.

Richard commented on Mrs. Mallerd's profile: I'm sorry for your loss Mrs. Mallord He was my best friend!
Mrs. Mallord: WHAT HAPPENED!!!!
Richard: Your husband died

Mrs. Mallord: I'm lost looking out this window

I guess this brightened my day a little

Josephine: Hey we need to talk!!

Josephine: Hey ANSWER me!!!

Mrs. Mallord: Free!

Mrs. Mallord: Alright I'm coming down Josephine lets talk I feel a lot better, wait who's here?

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Alright so pay very close attention as we walk in here this is the main office, remember where this is at you’ll come here often. In the office is also the tool room which before you grab a tool from the tool room you need to check it out and make sure the sergeant on duty okays it or you will get a negative counseling statement. As we walk down this hallway on the right is the bathroom, be sure to keep this spotless because it’ll make your job easier at the end of the day because I’m not doing it I’ve been here too long. You will report to your squad leader, he is in bay 1 he’s not the brightest and yells a lot about pointless stuff but not everyone can get a good squad leader like me. By bay 1 is the chiefs’ office, you won’t go in there, if he needs you he’ll find you. This sergeant here just got promoted so he’s on a power trip so stay away from him unless you want to do useless tasks and get yelled at, I guess that’s up to you.

                You need to record everything you do in a day, hours you worked on it, what was wrong with whatever you worked on, how you fixed it, and what parts you needed to fix it. Turn this sheet into your squad leader every day. You need to work hard every day for the entire day if you’re not we will find something for you to do, and believe me you probably won’t like it. Outside here is where all of the vehicles you will be working on are at, I won’t be helping you there I have a different M.O.S. then you do so you’ll be on your own so have fun and try to stay out of the way, also show respect to higher enlisted even if they don’t deserve it. It causes a lot less pain in the end if you just follow these instructions.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A good man is hard to find, Southern grotesque

                The story a good man is hard to find is so grotesque because it starts out like a normal trip that a family would take and it turns bad very quickly. There are many things in this story leading you off the trail of what is going to happen in this story. As it starts there is so much hope that they are going to return and what makes me think this is the grandma writing the mileage on the car before they left. This story doesn’t start turning bad until they wreck there car in a ditch, which is right after the route that the grandmother sent them on was wrong, after they wrecked a car happened to drive by and there were three men and they got out. The family started to get uneasy when they saw guns on their hips. These strangers started to seem like they were going to help them and said the car would take about 30 minutes to fix. Then the grandmother realized why the person looked familiar it was the misfit. This is when the story starts turning more grotesque, it goes from happy family vacation to a nightmare where this family is being separated and killed. The family is killed off one by one until the only person is left is the grandmother she begs for her life and even calls this murderer her baby, once this has happened he shot her. This is so grotesque because there was no emotion in this killing and the family had done nothing to deserve this, so in the end the family seemed hopeless.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Lottery

Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" concerns itself with the concept that it can be acceptable to require the individual to sacrifice for the greater good. This sentence is true to a certain extent, is it really acceptable in any case to kill someone? After reading this passage that question keeps running through my head. What is so important that the people in this village need to murder someone once a year for? So in that question it’s hard to say that it was for the greater good because we have no idea what it’s done for. Being in the military it’s the same battle, you have a constant voice in your head asking is this the right thing to do. I have many friends that have been deployed who have been put in horrible situations and they are still asking the question was it worth the sacrifice of one of the men. The circumstances will always be a factor in that sentence that was the sacrifice for the greater good? 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Father to boy

My boy I want you to grow up strong someday just like your dad. I want you to be caring and understanding just like your mother. Treat women with respect because if you do you will stand out among the crowd and you will find an amazing woman who will treat you just as well as you treat her. Have no regrets about anything you do. Love everyone and be kind to everyone, and give respect to people who deserve it. Surround yourself with positive people, because negative people will just bring you down. Son I want you to be whoever you want to be and grow up to succeed more then I could have ever done. Listen to your mom and I but dad you tell me I can't do stuff sometimes! I know son my parents did the exact same thing and I didn't understand why until I was older and they only did it because they loved me and wanted what was best for me. So go to the world with your head lifted high and take on any challenge that it throws at you I know you can do it, and even if you fail sometimes your mother and I will still be there to help you back on your feet.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

About me

  1. One thing I've always wondered about is how people can be so frustrated over such little things.
  2. My friends will tell you that I am ridiculous.
  3. People like me because I'm nice.
  4. I want to know more about flying.
  5. When I am 30, I will own a Nissan GTR.
  6. Five years from now, I will be flying Apaches.
  7. When I want to, I have the ability to get good grades.
  8. I have trouble dealing with people who think they know everything.
  9. I appreciate it when teachers are understanding to situations.
  10. I am proud of my family.
  11. I like food because it's delicious.
  12. I really need to take more steps into my future.
  13. My favorite class is history because I had a good teacher.
  14. My friends make me laugh when they are as ridiculous as I am.
  15. My pet peeve is nails on a chalk board.
  16. When I am sad I clean.
  17. The most stressful thing in my life is nothing because I don't get stressed.
  18. The most influential person in my life is dad because I look up to him.
  19. If I had one hundred dollars, I would  buy food.
  20. My sister told me a she named me because there was a cute boy across the street.
  21. It was easy to learn History.
  22. It is difficult to learn Chemistry.
  23. I have no regrets about anything.
  24. I regret nothing. 
  25. A friend once showed me how to tie my shoes.
  26. I like all music, particularly anything I can dance to.
  27. My favorite color is green.
  28. One dish I can cook well is Bite sized steak.
  29. My favorite place on earth is anywhere I can snowboard.
  30. What is a mistake that taught you a lesson? What did you learn? A mistake that taught me a lesson was not to wait for anything and put things off. I feel like I'm older now and should be done with college by now but I took time off after high school.
  31. What is an obstacle you face in completing this class? How can you, your classmates, and your teacher help you get around it? I'm not a big fan of reading but I know some of the topics we will be covering will hold my interest but I have friends in the class who will help me out.