Thursday, August 29, 2013

Father to boy

My boy I want you to grow up strong someday just like your dad. I want you to be caring and understanding just like your mother. Treat women with respect because if you do you will stand out among the crowd and you will find an amazing woman who will treat you just as well as you treat her. Have no regrets about anything you do. Love everyone and be kind to everyone, and give respect to people who deserve it. Surround yourself with positive people, because negative people will just bring you down. Son I want you to be whoever you want to be and grow up to succeed more then I could have ever done. Listen to your mom and I but dad you tell me I can't do stuff sometimes! I know son my parents did the exact same thing and I didn't understand why until I was older and they only did it because they loved me and wanted what was best for me. So go to the world with your head lifted high and take on any challenge that it throws at you I know you can do it, and even if you fail sometimes your mother and I will still be there to help you back on your feet.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

About me

  1. One thing I've always wondered about is how people can be so frustrated over such little things.
  2. My friends will tell you that I am ridiculous.
  3. People like me because I'm nice.
  4. I want to know more about flying.
  5. When I am 30, I will own a Nissan GTR.
  6. Five years from now, I will be flying Apaches.
  7. When I want to, I have the ability to get good grades.
  8. I have trouble dealing with people who think they know everything.
  9. I appreciate it when teachers are understanding to situations.
  10. I am proud of my family.
  11. I like food because it's delicious.
  12. I really need to take more steps into my future.
  13. My favorite class is history because I had a good teacher.
  14. My friends make me laugh when they are as ridiculous as I am.
  15. My pet peeve is nails on a chalk board.
  16. When I am sad I clean.
  17. The most stressful thing in my life is nothing because I don't get stressed.
  18. The most influential person in my life is dad because I look up to him.
  19. If I had one hundred dollars, I would  buy food.
  20. My sister told me a she named me because there was a cute boy across the street.
  21. It was easy to learn History.
  22. It is difficult to learn Chemistry.
  23. I have no regrets about anything.
  24. I regret nothing. 
  25. A friend once showed me how to tie my shoes.
  26. I like all music, particularly anything I can dance to.
  27. My favorite color is green.
  28. One dish I can cook well is Bite sized steak.
  29. My favorite place on earth is anywhere I can snowboard.
  30. What is a mistake that taught you a lesson? What did you learn? A mistake that taught me a lesson was not to wait for anything and put things off. I feel like I'm older now and should be done with college by now but I took time off after high school.
  31. What is an obstacle you face in completing this class? How can you, your classmates, and your teacher help you get around it? I'm not a big fan of reading but I know some of the topics we will be covering will hold my interest but I have friends in the class who will help me out.