Tuesday, October 8, 2013


A & P and Orientation are two short stories that have a lot of similarities and a lot of differences. I will be comparing both to understand the characters a little better and also to have a little better grasp on the stories themselves.
A & P is a little different in a few ways the fact that it’s all in a first person point of view for one thing. Also the manager in this is a lot stricter it seems like just by the fact that he kicks out these younger girls from his store just because of the way they are dressed which is a bit ridiculous. The writing style is different in this story. It’s told through the perspective of a person who is working there and there isn’t much dialogue between characters as much as just the thought process of the main character. This is similar because in this the entire time this clerk is judging these three girls walking through this store.
Orientation has an odd feel to the entire story as if the insight that the narrator is giving just makes you feel awkward. The narrator doesn’t give you much useful information on the job which is the same as A & P. You don’t get a great sense of the manager in this office but it seems like he doesn’t want to be bothered and doesn’t really care what his employees do to a point. The writing style in this is more commanding then anything the entire time the narrator is just telling information then you need to know a lot completely irrelevant to the job itself.

Both stories were good in their own sense I hope this brought up some points were these stories differ. To understand them even more I suggest reading them and comparing them.  

1 comment:

  1. Brandon: This doesn't follow assignment guidelines. This isn't point-by-point comparison. Also, it provides no textual proof. Finally, there's no sense of significance to doing the comparison work. You need to point to particular proof and then ask yourself, "What's the effect of that?"
