Tuesday, October 29, 2013


As the weather is turning
My mind starts to think
My brain feels like it's burning
My throat is in a kink

She is running through my head
Even though she is gone
I feel like I should be dead
Each day I'm more drawn

We are miles apart
The distance that kills
She's close to my heart
With so many thrills

Only time will show
I'll bring her laughter
As these feelings grow
It's her that I'm after


  1. So you were working on an English or Shakespearean sonnet. You got the ABABCDCDEFEF part of the rhyme scheme. However, you have too many lines in the last stanza. You should have only 2 (sonnets are 14 lines total) with a rhyme scheme of GG.

  2. I like this poem I think you did great.
